Alert 1: Join us Sunday, February 23 from 12-4 for Fandom Fest!
Alert 2: Please take a moment to complete the community survey, part of the Library’s strategic planning process.
Alert 1: Join us Sunday, February 23 from 12-4 for Fandom Fest!
Alert 2: Please take a moment to complete the community survey, part of the Library’s strategic planning process.
Are you taking an online course or studying for an exam where you need someone to monitor your test? We can help you out!
This service is available free of charge to all patrons. Make an appointment by calling the Reference Desk at 847-663-6603. Please specify whether the exam is online or paper and its length. Exams need to be scheduled at least one week prior to the test date requested. Test proctoring is available Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Test-takers will need to present a photo ID. All exams will be held on the Third Floor.
Paper Exams: Email them to the proctor at:
Online Exams: You may take your test on your own computer or you may use a library computer.
If your school wants to send your exam directly to the Library, please email or use this address:
Maryellen Essig, Reference Librarian
Niles-Maine District Library
6960 Oakton Street
Niles, IL 60714
We can scan or fax your completed exam to the school or institution, or scan and email it. If you also need us to (snail) mail the test, you or the school/institution must provide an envelope and postage.